Sustainable, eco friendly products 1
February 03,2021
Item: Recycled cotton bag
Industry & Market: Top player of online buiness in EU & Japan
What it was purchased for: A big online shopping platform who is running the online business of cosmetic box, which is including different brands of cosmetics or skin care proudcts. The customers can order the box by month, querter or year. The box is like a scerect as customers will not know what they will get until they receive the box. It's also surprising customers when they get the box, as the value they get from the box ususally is more than what they need to pay for individual piece in the store. Plus they will also get a free gift in the box which is a spotlight of the box. So the cosmetic box becomes very popular and hot sell item. Considering the large amount of the order, the company started looking for susustainable packaging for the box to add more value to the prdoucts. A recycled cotton bag is decided to replace other packagings, such as natural cotton bag, organzer bag to reduce the wastes of the resource in the world.
How it was distributed: The item was designed as the packaging. It was packed together with the cosmetics and skin care items and shipped to the customers.
Marketing Outcome: Customers love the new bag of packaging. As it will well organise their own belongs when travelling or anytime they need to carry the things. Also made with eco friendly material in trendy printing, that make people kept up with the trend. Customers will be more satisfied with the box they bought, which increase the sales in a way.